Saturday, June 20, 2009

Pamphlet Update

I have found someone willing to print my pamphlets at virtually no cost. It’s been quite a long time but here are the reasons. Well, the first reason is because I have not been able to secure a mode of reliable transportation until just now, well next week actually. There are many things I’ve been putting on hold for this particular reason. Next, I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a rather selfish creature. I treat my heart as the primary organ, and cater first to its whimsical needs, all too often, at great cost to other worthier activities. Unfortunately, it tends to find maximum contentment in gazing for long moments at the various budding plants in my backyard -- the ambitions of a green fibrous creature stretching out from under the dirt towards the light is a wondrous thing. I think I also spend too many hours trying to decipher the language of the birds that speak with each other outside my window -- I feel I am getting close though. But the time shall come, when I will get the urge to begin soliciting my ideas, and I will put on my more respectable clothes, and travel the city of Des Moines.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Greetings Fellow Corn People

Hello to everyone and no one at all. I have not had time to post much lately. Life has simply gotten in the way, but marijuana prohibition is never far from my thoughts. I have decided to scrap my medical marijuana newsletter project after laboring over it excessively because of outside input and some personal reflections.

I decided something simpler and more attention grabbing would create more of a desired effect; I have abandoned all politically correct notions, and will no longer promote freedom under the guise of “medical marijuana”. Because I am new to this Activism thing I am not as of yet so jaded, so I have decided to try and enlist the help of the public, since I feel our legislators are already aware of our presence in the form of the many angst ridden letters I and some of you have already written to them.

So I am posting here what I have of my first pamphlet, a simple two sided, 8 x 11 document, easily photocopied, soon to be distributed throughout town with the help of those sympathetic to our cause. It’s time Iowans had their noses mashed into the notion of freedom and limited government.





I. Of the Origin and Design of the Prohibition Laws in general, with concise Remarks on Marihuana Prohibition.
II. Of the origins of Tyranny and Oppression and the Cause of Freedom.
III. Thoughts on the present State of American Affairs.
IV. Of the present ability of America, with some miscellaneous Reflections.

The Author wishes to put forth the warning now that the following document is slightly offensive. Perhaps even an example of what not to do, an anti-persuasive, when trying to recruit dissenters from the other side. To be called a mindless freedom hater would brew contempt in any rational being, but nonetheless, the author could not prevent the flow of these thoughts.

Maybe individuals of higher standards, less impulsive, more patient and meticulous could restrain themselves for the better outcome; however the Author does not profess to have any of these desired qualities; but rather, has always had the amusing suspicion that she would never really amount to anything.

But it is only natural, when those oppressed have been given, or rather have taken, the opportunity to speak openly to their oppressors, with a comfortable amount of anonymity, that a certain amount of contempt and frustration seep through. Imagine that you go about living your life feeling that every fabric of your being seeks to live life kindly, and with integrity. I hope that this is not a far stretch for you. Then being told by your oppressors, that even your loftiest ambitions are not good enough, that your curiosities and explorations are corrupt, and that you are what’s wrong with society. It is enough to breed insanity and uncertainty in the most genetically gifted of creatures.

But the epiphany that facilitated the creation of this document was the realization that this is not an attempt to recruit those along the fence, or dissenters from the other side. It is an attempt to draw a line in the sand, to locate supporters of Our Cause. A call to all sympathizers: those who can lend resources, intellect, and ideas. Our Cause, be it a specific one, but put down to its basic fundamentals, is simply the cause of all man, the Cause of Freedom: the right to live and be let alone.


That some men would seek to control the impulses of other men, be they ambitious, hopelessly romantic, self-absorbed, or even self-detrimental, by locking them up inside concrete and metal among savages is both curious and irreprehensible.

Millions have been arrested, yet our oppressors content themselves by hanging symbols of freedom over their porches while humming its virtues, we affirm, with very little thought for its true definition. Whether it be that they lack confidence in their own moral judgments, or that they hold them as too infallible, they allow government; that which our most trusted forefathers, wise men, and polymaths defined as a necessary evil in all of their most championed philosophical arguments, to expand virtually unchecked.

They pawn their own constitutional rights for greater access inside our homes, so they can dictate our lives by force, using civilian police to enter our private dwellings by way of battering rams, with guns drawn, clothed in black paramilitary gear.

They allow marihuana prohibition to exist because they lack faith in their neighbors, in their country, and they unconsciously fear the intricate forces that make this nation great can not withstand letting those alone who do not view a certain plant in the same light as they do.

They justify their oppression by calling us reckless lawbreakers. They have forgotten, or have never known, that the questioning of authority and civil disobedience are valuable ideas; notions that led to the creation of this country and the end of segregation. It was Thoreau who wrote: The greater part of what my neighbors call good, I believe in my soul to be bad, and if I repent of anything, it is very likely to be my good behavior.

What demon possesses our oppressors, that they behave so well, as to condone the mistreatment of peaceful others, simply because of written law? Or that compels them towards unwavering obedience to laws they feel are wrong, just until they change, if they ever do? In doing so, they reduce themselves to the level of objects, of machines, and marionettes. Thoreau again: Must the citizen ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his conscience to the legislator? Why has every man a conscience then? I think that we should be men first, and subjects afterward. We affirm.

In the early days of the Republic, it would have been unthinkable that Congress could prohibit the local cultivation, possession, and consumption of marijuana. These are not words written by some drug-riddled anarchist but by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

But those days ended when our first drug czar accused a certain plant species of [causing] white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others. Of being a reefer that makes darkies think they’re as good as white men, and the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind. Congress listened and enacted the Marihuana Tax Stamp Act of 1937, the evil spawn of racist intentions and yellow journalism.

Now here we are in Our time. We here at IMAP are not so old, but we have lived long enough to see plenty of the human race do good, driven by nothing but a strange inherent desire to create, love, and learn; and sadly, we have seen plenty of the human race do evil, driven by laws written to protect and to serve.

Marihuana prohibition is the most unjust law of Our time. It is a principle that pays for one group of people to oppress another. But it is now only supported by a Minority of Americans. The will of a few, force fed to all: it is happening now in our country.

Hx tells us that freedom and altruism are never enough to force policy changes in a prospering land. Instead it has been violence in Mexico, the failing economy, and overcrowded prisons that have brought the Majority to come to the same conclusion; billions of dollars would be saved, additional tax revenue generated, and powerful drug cartels crippled.

Marihuana is so safe that in the entire written history of man, there have been no recorded overdoses. Yet marihuana prohibition, the will of the Minority, kills thousands in violence analogous to violence during alcohol prohibition. Dead gangsters lying on bloody sidewalks of Chicago convinced politicians in just thirteen years the deadly consequences of the prohibition laws. Perhaps the lives of Browns down south or Blacks in the ghettos do not resonate as much inside certain consciences. If not, then let it be known that violence and injustice have seeped into our suburbs as well.

In Colorado, a disabled medical marihuana patient was arrested for growing two marihuana plants. Police seized his home, which he had paid in full with accident settlement money. In Michigan, police raided the home of a 20-year-old college student in the middle of the night and shot him in the chest as he sat unarmed on his couch over fifty dollars worth of marihuana.

These are examples of seventy years of marihuana prohibition, an idea that has been nothing but futile and deadly. Marihuana is more popular today than it ever was before it was made illegal.

A really smart guy once wrote, “A long history of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it the superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom”. That is why, frustratingly, we find even the smallest mention of easing restrictions on marijuana promotes hallucinations in the most rational of beings.

Our oppressors champion the debunked gateway theory as the foundation of their argument. They never cease to advertise their worries for the children, yet they promote an environment of unregulated sales. They place marihuana in the highest restricted drug category, even above meth, the drug of death. They say marihuana has no medicinal value but hold several patents on chemically isolated THC for its medical efficacy. They ban a substance that has killed no one, but tax for profit a noted two that have killed millions. All the while they push on us their opiates and barbiturates, their uppers and downers.

They stand in a mindless state of denial, and refuse to recognize their drug-free society for what it is, a sick and twisted totalitarian utopia. Yet, in search of their absolutist fantasies we throw away billions, spray chemicals on fertile soils, militarize civilian police forces, build prisons instead of schools, waste law enforcement resources, and force our failed policies on other countries; all in an effort to extinguish a relationship that has existed peacefully between a single plant species and the human race for thousands of years until one racist drug czar used fears of White women mingling with Blacks and Mexicans inside jazz clubs to end it.

Marihuana prohibition is an empty shell of a policy based on perceptions built upon faulty premises. That thought brings us to our primary goal here at IMAP: to change perceptions using facts, statistics, and Common Sense. We dared to hope that marihuana prohibition was on its last legs and could not sit idly by while our oppressors stomped out the hopeful, consistent pangs of freedom that beat so fervently in our little Activist hearts.

At the very least, we wanted our voices heard before they turned our unceasing cries for freedom, our noble pursuits at happiness into something insidious, evil and sinister. Before taxpayer funded efforts began to diminish our cries, demoralize them as mere selfish desires to fuel addictions and pawn away lives in an effort to mindlessly sedate ourselves, or accuse us of being blinded by a cloud of maddening reefer smoke, or hopeless junkies with no direction.

IMAP wants to make a stand, here and now, to challenge our oppressors for more intellectual arguments. Even a dog ceases to greet his master at the door if he is mistreated enough. We have decided to be the voice for the millions mistreated.

Thank you for your time. If you agree with our notion of freedom, please help by photocopying these pamphlets and distributing them by any means necessary.


We ask now for your support by simply submitting your email for our upcoming newsletter, whatever other information you wish to give is up to you. We would especially love article submissions. If we choose your submission, we will publish it in our upcoming newsletter either openly or anonymously. Also, have you been adversely affected by the corrupt prohibition laws? Been hit with excessive fines, job discrimination, loss of citizenship rights including the right to vote and bear arms, property seizures, loss of student financial aid, thrown in jail, or forced to pee in a cup? We would like to hear from you. Want to lend your time? Any suggestions or Activism ideas are also welcome. In other words, we really want to hear from you. All correspondence can be sent to