Friday, April 24, 2009

The internet brings us things faster...even progress.

A few weeks ago, the number one question posed by Americans in response to President Obama on his virtual “town hall” forum was “Will you consider legalizing marijuana so that the government can regulate it, tax it, put age limits on it, and create millions of new jobs and create a billion dollar industry right here in the U.S.?”

Fox news called us “a plague of Internet "trolls" -- troublemakers who work to derail cyber-conversations through harassing and inflammatory posts.”

At first I became offended. But then I digressed.

It’s been many years since Google first opened the doors to the vast spectrum of information transmitted through illuminated twenty-inch liquid crystal displays -- our modern day crystal balls.

When I first started trolling the internet, Google was in its infancy. As it became more powerful, my trolling became more efficient, more meticulous. I found people with similar interests and slowly began cutting ties to many of my real life friends. In just the way my friends became more specific, so did my interests. They became limited to only a very narrow range of topics.

A long time ago I came across a statement by someone I can unfortunately no longer recall. That person claimed that ideological differences no longer existed. That the only difference now lay between those who believed citizens should be “property of the state” and those who did not. I believe this statement wholeheartedly.

Marijuana prohibition is unjust because it attempts to protect citizens from their own innate desires. It strips our freedom of choice and is a fantasy that strives for a utopia that can never exist. Ambitions towards such perfections are dangerous. They lead to absolutist ideas.

Justice William O. Douglas once wrote, "The struggle is always between the individual and his sacred right to express himself and the power structure that seeks conformity, suppression, and obedience."

I recently watched MPP’s Bruce Mirken on a CNBC debate and linked it for your amusement.

We only need more idiots like this making the ludicrous argument that we endorse giving drugs to three and five year olds to make our point heard even louder.

I’ll also add another Ron Paul video in for good measure. Please watch and learn from these two master debaters.

Many years ago, the banter around the online marijuana community was that marijuana will never be legalized in our lifetime. This is no longer the case. There is real optimism out there now, and it is refreshing.

Obama calls it transparency. That was his goal with the virtual “town hall” meeting. And he got that whether he liked it or not. The internet makes it easier for the truth to reveal itself. And what is on the minds of Americans? It is not just marijuana, but freedom. Freedom to act on their own desires as long as those desires pose no threat to others.

Now the question is, can we get together and make change or do we want to place change on the shoulders of a single individual because of catchy but empty campaign slogans. It’s not enough to vote and hide in the shadows. We are at a tipping point now and SICK PEOPLE should not have to wait for a STRONGER, more WILLING generation or for the next unfortunate series of world events if it does not go our way now. We need your help.

My goal is to have the first newsletter out to everyone and posted here on this site by next week. I'm so sorry for the delay. I’ve received a lot of positive feedback lately and it makes me very hopeful. I’ll keep working to keep everybody posted.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing the news letter...let me know if you need an article contribution or anything for it.
